All Syrians supported the tribal uprising led by the sons of the tribe in Deir Ezzor against the SDF’s takeover of their resources and lands. This occupation is viewed as a secessionist endeavor outside the future Syrian state. This was at the same time as the Sweida movement, whose anthem was chanted by Syrians from the east to the south and up to the north. Undoubtedly, by bringing the Syrian issue back to the international front, this varied Syrian movement gave it new life. This illustrates that there is no benefit to the fait accompli method that some nations have imposed on Syrians.

But since the uprising did not continue longer than ten days, I decided to refer to it by that number. Many residents of the area (east of the Euphrates) who still harbor aspirations of creating an exemplary Arab region may not find this label to their liking. They imagine a place that would serve as a haven for all liberated Syrians, complete with all of its constituent parts, extending until it encompassed the entire country of Syria. Maybe I have a right to talk about this uprising and the blunders it made since I’m a native of the area. This does not negate its legitimacy or purity. For a number of reasons, I believe the Arab uprising that rekindled the blood in the veins of revolutionaries was born dead.

  1. Lack of planning for this uprising with all the tools it requires.
  2. The political context of a territory under the control of an international alliance, where such control is not subject to military force without prior political agreement.
  3. The tribal uprising preferred to announce a tribal emblem rather than the political and military leadership until it was too late.
  4. Enthusiasm ignored the revolutionaries and oil-related financial gainers who live among them and support the SDF.
  5. Only the expulsion of the occupier without a roadmap was announced, not the vision or objectives.  
  6. Neither the relationship with the Syrian revolutionaries in the north nor the relationship with the Syrian regime and Iran was publicly and plainly stated.
  7. The uprising was weakened and eventually put an end to due to the lack of the emblem “Sheikh” that was produced by this uprising. Instead of anonymous audio files, people are looking for a video of him with his supporters!

Furthermore, people continue to circulate misinformation without checking its veracity in an effort to revive this discredited uprising. The most recent include significant retreats, agreements, and wins.

All of this is an Arab delusion, and the Syrian people do not want to wake up from a dream that may lead to the creation of a free Syria. They are still holding onto the success of this endeavor, which is a reflection of the SDF’s exaggerated and widespread withdrawals from the area. We are still hanging on to scraps of news!

What do we want and where have things gotten to?

The truth is that what actually occurred was a tactical and fictitious withdrawal of “SDF” forces, with the SDF militia maintaining a striking force close to the key checkpoints at the entry to Arab majority villages and towns. The main purpose of the American action was to enforce a (truce) in response to pledges made to some tribes’ leaders (who have positive relationships with the SDF). It was a declaration about restoring things to their prior state while making strict, continuous promises to take complaints into account.  As long as the Arabs lack pressure-applying tools, these pledges will fall by the wayside day after day.  We wait for the SDF to weave a new fabric with yellow embroidery and threads dyed in Arab colors so that the sons of the area might wear it in place of the defunct Ahmed Al-Khbeil Military Council.

As a result,

The Arabs in that region need a clear and influential political movement led by a political bloc from the sons of the region armed with their demands and the strength of their representation. The movement is in the corridors of nations to present a real project that spans a wide area and to highlight SDF atrocities and shortcomings in the area. That uprising was merely a translation of earlier accumulations, and until a genuine project that fairly and accurately represents the region’s sons is chosen, this movement will be repeated repeatedly. In the future, we must learn from our failures and be clear about our goals.

Written By: Khaled Al Hammad

Translated By: Muh. Kattan